Jim Wright was born and raised in Toronto, and received his introduction to Canadian Archaeology through Norman Emerson and the University of Toronto field studies of the late 1940s and 1950s. Jim obtained his training in archaeology at the Universities of Toronto, McMaster and Wisconsin. He has been active in the field of Canadian archaeology for the past 42 years, and much of this time he has spent as an officer of the Archaeological Survey of Canada where he served in the roles of Chief and Senior Research Scientist. In the course of his diverse field studies, Jim has worked in virtually every Province and Territory within Canada, with his most notable contributions residing in the study of Ontario Iroquoian Archaeology. Jim has represented Canada with distinction at many international symposia and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Anthropological Association.
It is particularly fitting that he be a recipient of the Smith-Wintemberg Award given that many of his field studies have followed directly on the work of William J. Wintemberg. It is a pleasure to announce the award and further recognize Jim's stature in the study of Canadian archaeology.
Jane Kelley
Canadian Archaeological Association
the first photograph of Jim was taken about 1964 near the Victoria Memorial Building (former home of the National Museum of Man) and the second picture was taken by Peggi Armstrong as Jim was honoured in 1996 by the Ontario Archaeological Society as its Ridley Lecturer. Jim is receiving a commemorative certificate from John Steckley, the president of the OAS.
previously published in the Canadian Journal of Archaeology 17:3–4, 1993.