The mandate of the Committee, as defined by the CAA/AAC Executive, and reviewed at its first meeting on November 12, 1992 in Calgary, was:
- To develop, through extensive consultation with the Aboriginal and archaeological communities, a draft Statement of Principles for ethical archaeological practice and minimum standards for intercommunity communication.
- To examine policies and concepts to assist all levels of government (including Aboriginal governments) to realize consensual management of Aboriginal heritage features.
- To encourage direct involvement of Aboriginal people, through active recruitment programs, in professional archaeology.
The AHC's timetable stipulated that a draft document would be presented to the general membership at the 1994 CAA/AAC annual meeting in Edmonton. This would be followed by the presentation of a revised Statement of Principles at the 1995 annual meeting in Kelowna, and its distribution to the membership with a ballot for acceptance in 1996. The AHC would then be formally dissolved.