2014 Call for Papers, Sessions, Forums & Posters

On behalf of the organizing committee for the 47th annual meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association, I am pleased to announce the Call for Sessions, Papers, Forums and Posters for the London 2014 CAA conference.

The annual meeting will be held May 14–18 at the Hilton in downtown London, Ontario. The conference provides a lively, intellectually stimulating space for scholars and members of the archaeological community to discuss, learn, and share ideas, observations, and the results of archaeological research with their peers. The conference is for anyone with an interest in, and concern for, archaeology in their local community or on a national or transnational level.

Proposed Sessions
We welcome proposals for sessions that will contribute to the conference discourse on any topic related to archaeology within Canada and internationally, multi-disciplinary approaches to archaeology, regional cultural historical reviews, themes relating to archaeological theory, discourse, issues of contemporary practice, methodology, or on topics of a related material or historical theme. A session proposal should include a session title, a 250 word abstract, a list of confirmed or potential participants, and the name and contact information for the proposal organizer. Please submit your proposal or any questions you might have to Matt Beaudoin [caa2014aca@gmail.com] with the subject line Session Proposal.

Paper Submissions
We welcome paper submissions for standalone papers or ones that are part of an organized session. Papers will be scheduled for 20 minutes, and if you are not submitting as part of an organized session your paper will be inserted into an available appropriate session or be part of a general session. A paper submission should include a title, a 250 word abstract, and the name and contact information for the author(s)/presenter(s). Please submit your proposal or any questions you might have to Matt Beaudoin [caa2014aca@gmail.com] with the subject line Paper Submission.

We welcome proposals for forums that create a venue for open discussion of issues of contemporary concern in practice between audience members and a panel of discussants knowledgeable of the topic of the forum. Forums will be scheduled as half day or quarter day events, as directed by the forum organizers. A forum submission should include a title, a 250 word abstract, and a list of confirmed or potential discussants (typically no less than 5 and no more than 8), and the name and contact information for the forum organizer and discussants. Please submit your proposal or any questions you might have to Matt Beaudoin [caa2014aca@gmail.com] with the subject line Forum Submission.

Poster Submissions
We welcome submissions for a poster session. There will be poster sessions throughout the conference and a student poster competition. A paper submission should include a title, a 250 word abstract, and the name and contact information for the presenter(s). If you would like to be considered for the student poster competition please include your year and associated university. Please submit your proposal or any questions you might have to Matt Beaudoin [caa2014aca@gmail.com] with the subject line Poster Submission.

Session and Forum proposals will be accepted until January 17th, 2014. Individual paper and poster submissions will be accepted until February 14th, 2014.

We look forward to receiving your proposal and we hope you will be able to join us in London in May 2014!

Conference Contacts:

Joshua Dent / Matt Beaudoin - caa2014aca@gmail.com
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/CAA2014ACA
Twitter- https://twitter.com/CAA2014ACA